Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sunday is still a day for rest, reflection and devotion.....

This is the seventh blog of my series and by the time it is all said and done, who knows how long this will be, but I am determined to keep it up and make contact with my person's friends and students. In fact, stay tuned because in the next few days , I may have a surprise for you! Maybe a new friend and guest speaker , you say? Well, maybe .. guess you will just have to keep checking. Today I thought about a lot of things that I will change once I can stop social distancing ... you know, when I can talk to someone face to face. I would imagine that at that point , it would be a good thing for me to tell people that I care about to their face, that I care for them.... and then... give them a big ole hug and tell them that there are plenty more where that one came from. My best-est friend right now besides my person and her family is the most amazing Elkhound named Delta! Whoa! those eyes will just melt anyone... she is a hug lover and can't hardly stand it if you stop petting her, but she is the best and I can tell her anything. That is a picture of the two of us ...right below!

I mean , isn't she just amazing!! Hi Delta! Good Girl!!

The rest of the day I picked flowers and explored the backyard. You all can do that too... it was ok because the alto-stratus clouds did not rain on me at all. I looked for bugs - no luck ; looked for new leaves - no luck and finally collected a bouquet for my person. Unfortunately, my hands and arms are a bit small and short and so the length of my stems were on the skimpy side, but they were appreciated still. Wonder what is in your yard or on your street , maybe you could take pictures and share with me!

Pretty sweet looking sock monkey, aren't I ?

My person has told me zillions of times to stay hydrated and so I made use of my skills and brewed everyone some ginger tea. It was really good, but I would prefer elderberry! Guess what? I can have elderberry next year because we planted elderberry bushes today!!! Score! I can't wait.

Tea making isn't that hard!

I also put my cooking skills into play today. I cooked the chili! You can see me right there in that picture. It is absolute proof! Have you cooked anything special? Let me know for sure! Maybe I will try your recipe.

Headed to school tomorrow to supervise the recordings of the Martian and whatever else may come along! Stay well, stay home and explore your yards!

Words about courage:  Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not absence of fear.” – Mark Twain.

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