Sgt. Fowler was being funny this morning and surprised us all when he came to school in a suit like this for " protection" I got a good look at that mask: Whew! I hope he doesn't really plan on that protecting him...
I did get the chance to check out the long hall on the 200 floor to make sure that it fit the needs of our race! We are seriously considering designing a set of race guidelines that Mr. Benoit could use in his physics and/or physical science classes. And ..... of course they have to be tested for authentic learning goals! The hall meets approval for our guidelines, let's see if we can make this work... more on that later. I can only say that we think it will be fun and be accomplishing some planning for the future. So , we all need to keep our heads up , sneeze into our elbows ( do I even have elbows? ) , practice good hand washing sanitation and know that we've got this! Journal your thoughts and experiences because you will forget as time passes ; Take some virtual field trips to places you may want to visit! https://www.360cities.net/ or look at fabulous pictures of space going back many years Astronomy picture of the day ..... learn to cook! But most of all don't worry :especially about things you cannot control! See you soon ....
P.S You can reach out and chat with me if you like.... just post a reply at the bottom.
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