Thursday, March 26, 2020

Alexa .... play Marty Robbins

Well who knew back in the early 2010's when I was born , that someday you could talk to a little round box with twinkle lights and tell it to play a song. Alexa or the dot as some people call it can do just that... oh wait ! You already knew that... oh pardon me. I am just a sock monkey coming into the technology age. My person uses Alexa on a regular basis and particularly in the morning when Delta is here and my person is at school.

Delta loves cowboy songs and her favorite singer currently is Marty Robbins . You know , the El Paso guys , Ghost Riders in the Sky? Streets of Laredo? Geesh , well here is a link to get you acquainted. El Paso   Best song ever!!

I am pretty sure that I come natural to cowboy songs. Let me introduce you to Sock Monkey Pete! Howdy there Pete!
So enough monkeying around. Today , I put in a full day of work and made sure that the floors were all clean and sparkly ! Running that machine is really hard and I discovered that my arms were to short to control the steering wheel , which then forced me to stand up! For the whole time!!!! I mean it was like 10 minutes at least........ hush .. that is a long time for a little fellow like me.

So , anyway... I worked and worked and finally I was done and my person had all her packets done and some class she was taking and the Google site crashed because EVERYBODY is using it and ..... and.... well we headed home. Marty was still playing on Alexa and I had work to do at home.

I headed to the garden , I think it will be productive this year and harvested some asparagus! Now I get it, I am a small creature, but these are GIANT asparagus.... delicious , but huge.
But my work wasn't finished yet and I helped my person make violet syrup. Yup we used the flower form the violet and made this really sweet syrup that tastes a little bit like flowers. and even better.. it is a really cool color! Check it out....

Pretty amazing isn't it? Harvested from the backyard...... great gifts from the Earth if you just look.

Words of Wisdom:  Keep your eyes on the sky and watch for the comet.... hopefully we'll be able to see it!

“For my part I know nothing with any certainty,
but the sight of the stars makes me dream.“
– Vincent Van Gogh

1 comment:

  1. Cosee you be careful being out after dark to look for a comet. Keep your persons safe too. I am enjoy your journey.
