Wednesday, April 8, 2020

“We all do better when we work together. Our differences do matter, but our common humanity matters more.” ― Bill Clinton

So remember yesterday when I asked you to think about how we are different and how we are similar? Let's have a chat! We all have our differences: birthplace, family life , level of education , color , gender , religion..... but if you think about it ; that means that we are similar in all of those differences, right? How many of those differences can we see? Not many that's for sure.... my person is from Boston ; I am from Put-In-Bay Ohio and who knows where the people reading this are from. But, nobody knows that difference unless we say something. So what about outward appearance? My person has white hair so she must be old , right? well guess what - she has had that same color hair since she was 40... and me? I have had the same blue skin and it never ages, wrinkles or looks different. In that way, I envy humans... all those great wrinkles from laughing.  Want to see a great laughing picture? This is my person's favorite picture and when she feels sad, she looks at it and laughs.

What joy in that picture!!! Or admit it; babies laughing and giggling make you laugh , right? I know they do so why not just go with it.
So how does this have anything to do with anything other than a sock monkey's rambling? Well... this is weeks into the COVID-19 pandemic and things may actually be starting to settle down. My person went to the Ingles today and the shelves were almost like normal. There was toilet paper and paper towels ... no wipes yet, but it's a start. So . if people just let the panic pass, then we can let the grocery stores do their thing and the shelves like this will be a rarity rather than a commonplace thing.

How can we all feel better , all similar in our struggle with the pandemic? We all turn to comfort foods. I want to thank all the people that shared their best comfort food memories with me yesterday. If you have some, now is the time to make and eat that food. If you are looking for some ideas, let me share what was shared with me: it's a great long list so be patient: fried liver mush and eggs , pozole , biscuits and gravy ( with and without sausage ) , chocolate gravy , roasts, mashed potatoes , ice box cookies , grits with butter, salt and milk , tamales , atole , cubed steak and gravy , chicken and dumplings, pot roast , American Chop Suey , macaroni & cheese , golumpkies and pierogies ..  my person's comfort food is a really good latte .....What a great list!! Some international foods , some New England food , some Southern foods and some that everyone eats! We are a great group of people .... take your grandmother's advice and have something to eat.... try your old stand by or try someone else's.. either way comfort food is exactly that. Something to make all the worries go away just for a while. 

A latte for you to share with my person: notice the heart? I am sharing my heart with you like she shares hers with her students daily...... enjoy !  Can you feel the warmth? It is like a virtual hug from me and my person to you! Hang in there.... enjoy the beautiful days; get outside in the garden and listen to the birds , pick some flowers or do some nature journaling . ( I have some great instructions if you need them )

Just a reminder of the moon last night so you have a happy thought:

Words of Wisdom on comfort foods:  " Laughter is the brightest , where food is the best" - Irish Proverb

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