Monday, April 6, 2020

It is day thirttwenfourfifty of the pandemic and people are crazy!

So today is Monday... the third Monday of no school and it seems like an eternity... My person started cleaning out old work from last semester and some from the ancient days of this semester , she said just for something to do.... all of the packets are done and ready to go into homeroom teacher boxes tomorrow. So tomorrow will most likely be a bit more cleaning.

My person isn't really quite that bad , but we did have to hunt for her for a while... Maybe because she is short. SSSSSHHHH ! I didn't say that, but honestly .. one of her children says she is oompah loompah size.....

You make the decision....

Now I will say that their hair is CRAZY!! Which brings me to another problem. My person is really really fussy about her hair. I don't mean with all that product stuff that people put in their hair, but With its length and shape and stuff.... well let me tell you . I went to find her this evening and do you know what she was doing? CUTTING her own hair!!! How bored do you have to be to do that? Well maybe it is because she likes it to look nice. She even made her person cut the back because she couldn't reach. Oh! The humanity... I was really worried... he was so  un-coordinated with the scissors... She really could have gotten hurt .... like blood and stuff ... ewww....

She is pretty excited because she was talking to one of her students today and they got talking about disc golf. He loves it he said. So she told him that she is trying to create a disc golf course at LHS and so now he is helping to design the course and seek out the equipment. Whoo Hoo!!! Do you guys know what disc golf is? Hang on....

Oh so wait a minute.... it is frisbee throw all jazzed up!  Check it out..

Today has been a pretty good day.. don't you think so? The weather was nice, there was a great thunderstorm in some places and the temperature was pleasant. How about some warm weather recipes you can make as a family?

What about frozen fruit pops? 

Here's an easy recipe to make anybody smile and they are fun to make together.
Fruit Ice Pops
Ingredients  : 
Blueberry Pops:    2 cups frozen blueberries, thawed
                                 1/4 cup apple juice
                                  2 tablespoons honey
                                   1/2 lemon, juiced
                                   1 pinch salt
Strawberry Pops:
                                     2 cups frozen strawberries, thawed
                                     1/4 cup apple juice
                                     2 tablespoons honey
                                     1/2 lemon, juiced
                                     1 pinch salt
Combine blueberry pop ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour into 5 of the pop molds. Repeat process with strawberry pop ingredients. Place in freezer for at least 5 hours or overnight. If you do not have ice pop molds you can use 3-ounce plastic cups. Pour the pop mix into each cup, cover with foil and insert pop stick through the center of the foil into the cup. Place in freezer for at least 5 hours or overnight. To remove from the cup submerge the bottom 2/3 of the cup in hot water for about five seconds. Pull on the stick and voila.  Want to see what they look like?  I promise they look delicious!  I am a good sock monkey and the pictures are copyrighted , so you will just have to make some and try them out! 
I can share a monkey picture with you so you will smile!! 

Have a smile.... sending you sunny days and best wishes... we are one week into the stay-at-home and we can do this!!!

Words of wisdom tonight from Cosee:      "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."                   ― Mahatma Gandhi

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are staying busy. Those pops sure sound good my grandbabies will love them. Thanks for sharing the recipes. Cosee you take really good care of your “short” person we have to stand together. Continue your journey can’t wait to see where you go next.
