Friday, April 3, 2020

Star Light ; Star Bright... how can I see the stars tonight?

Before I get started  on my daily adventure into sharing cool stuff with you. My person asked me to share the next few pictures with you. She has been working really hard on getting the phase three packets together for after Spring Break.... today she gave me sometime off and had her person working on the packets. That gave me time to do weather and take attendance. But since she asked me to share , here the pictures are... remember if you are reading this: Once a wolf, always a wolf and that you are missed terribly.

We really did work super hard and the payoff was lunch! Now this was just a sandwich.... or was it? It was lettuce harvested from school and homemade lavender rosemary bread. The smell when it was cooking was enough to drive you crazy . It must have been good because it barely lasted two days.

Even though April is a STAY - AT - HOME month, there are some really amazing astronomical things going on. I did not say astrological because we are talking stars and comets and meteor showers; I mean some super great stuff. Ha! I crack myself up sometimes... we will also have a Super Pink Moon. But , I get ahead of myself.  Let me share a wonderful site with you that has a different picture of something in space or on the planet , every single day. It is called Astronomy Picture of the day and you can look through years and years of pictures. It is fun to see how our technology and the quality of the pictures has changed. So, without any more hesitation..... here is the site :      and here is an example of what you will see. It is the center of our galaxy.

What else is going on this month? Well let me tell you all the stuff you can see in the night time sky:

7 – 8 Super Pink Moon
21-22 Lyrid Meteor Shower  
AND super coolest of all : We can see the Comet Atlas at the end of April. But it will still be around in May , in fact it will be brighter in May than in April.  You are going to have to look around and between the Big and Little Dippers.
If that isn't enough, we are also going to have a conjunction coming up in May.
That is where some of the planets line up with each other.... want a little more information? OK, Glad you asked. Jupiter, Venus, along with the moon will be aligning soon, which will create a smiley face in the sky. This occurrence is called a conjunction. It is a rare appearance, so make sure you are on the lookout. The last time these planets aligned and created a smiley face was in December 2008. It is almost 12 years later, it is finally happening again! It is said to happen this May on the 16th.

Remember it is the Moon ( the mouth ) and Jupiter ( right eye ) and Venus ( left eye ) making the smiley face. Pretty cool isn't it? I'll be checking it out , what about you?

Are there any special star or planet pictures that you like? My person's EE students are reading the Martian ( well actually she is reading it /recording it ) and so I found some cool pictures of Mars for them and anyone, since that is a planned trip NASA has in the works. Maybe I could stowaway? What I blog I could write from space!!!!
Check out the active fault line they found on Mars , Valles Marinaris ( the big crack as long as NY to LA ) and Olympus Mons , the biggest volcano in the solar system.

My person loves the stars and loves this quote so much I want to share it with you as my words of wisdom tonight :

" I have loved the stars too fondly to ever be fearful of the night."    Sarah Williams

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