Monday, March 23, 2020

May 15th ..... a date we all never wanted to hear ...... but May 16th is coming right behind!

What happened to March 30th? How many packets does my person need? Does this mean no more hiking or can we still go if we stay 6 feet apart? What questions do you have? Did you know that my person needs to take attendance over the next weeks? How will she do that? All these questions and a zillion more are rumbling around in her head......

Book studies are gone; at home learning will begin..... hopefully some zoom classroom interactions and maybe some videos of geological things on hikes... lots of potential. My person wants me to make sure anyone following this blog feels like they can ask questions or start conversations and that it is open to anyone... all her international teacher friends : that means you too!!

Today was interesting. My person started the day by going to the grocery and picking up a few items during the " old people" shopping hours. There were no problems with the items that she normally buys, but the paper product aisle was still flat empty. Hopefully people are beginning to understand that if they stop panic buying and hoarding , that all of that part of our lives would be somewhat normal. Grocery store managers have asked that if people just relax for a week and then resume pre-COVID - 19 buying patterns that there would be no shortages.

My person went to school today and worked on 14 online work from home videos and so they are done. What did I do while she slaved away? Well, I found a really cool umbrella in the guidance office and being the adorable sock monkey that I am, just had to pretend I was getting ready to dance like I was " Singing in the Rain"..... However, that is as far as it got because I remembered how wet I got on Saturday and I was not ready for that nasty cold feeling again so soon. Check out the picture though.... you have to admit I look stunning!

I mean I am so cute, I can't stand myself!! The rest of the day at school included some recordings of the Martian; my person is determined that she will finish the book for her 3rd period. It is really getting interesting now though because Mark Watney and NASA ( on Earth NASA) can " talk " to each other!! I mean , really..... maybe he'll make it after all.

Sneak peak......

After that, she worked on more packets: tons of packets and then matched that stuff up with the online work.

I helped, but I am only a wee sock monkey and I got really tired carrying all the paperwork. Not that I took a rest or anything... OH the picture? I had just slipped, that is all.... not resting; Oh no! Not me....

It wasn't a totally boring day because I hitched a ride on another of my people and got caught up on the book he was reading. It was kind of boring though compared to what was going on with Mark on Mars!! But, whatever floats your boat I guess.

Just in case you have reached a point where you have nothing to do. let me share a set of ideas with you... no pressure , but some ideas.

Today has been one of those days, but I always leave you with a request to chat with me and ask any questions you want or need to . Today , I ask that you share me with others that you think might enjoy my rambles.....

Words of wisdom tonight: Words from Syed Balkhi

Happiness is the new rich
Inner peace is the new success
Health is the new wealth
Kindness is the new cool.


  1. Man you sure are busy Cosee and your person is really working hard. I miss the days I shred in her room. How many of you out there are from AP class of 2009?

  2. Here Ms. Nantz- Miss you as well!
    Keep up the good work Cosee!
    Looks like I am behind in my chores for the week from the list above. I'll have to enlist my pup to "help" with the laundry tomorrow.

    Sending happy and healthy vibes to everyone!
