Saturday evening; or is it afternoon? It is dark,and my body says it is tired but that is most likely because it has been on over drive since 5 am Friday morning. I am however , finally here... and by here I am referring to the COP21 Climate Conference in Paris. I felt great as a I navigated the airport and even better when I got the ticket for the train and managed to find the right one, get on board and ride through the area outside of the airport , headed for Paris. I actually went by where the COP21 is being held and remembering thinking that it will be grand to visit!! From the train to the Metro and all those STEPS!! I mean, geesh... carrying a zillion pound suit case up all the STEPS!!! It was a rather intimidating adventure for a little while.. but once I broke out into the sunshine and was standing across the Plaza from the hostel, all was great with the world again.! I really want to share pictures and think that the blog may take on a more photojournalistic tweak later on, but for now... just one!Well, maybe two... ok three. The cheese platter is bit blurry, but the story behind it is hysterical and will do well as its own blog some time.... The second set of pictures is a bit more somber and yet has an air of hope and compassion. They do not need an introduction ; they show the best of humanity's actions in response to the worst of humanity's actions..

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